An Opportunity: For Hope, Joy, Fullfillment

“If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope." ~Barack Obama

The Bolivian Quaker Education Fund works to strengthen ties between Bolivian Quakers and Quakers elsewhere through programs that enhance the educational opportunities of Bolivian Friends and nurture their service work.

 We invite you to join us in this work.

We are seeking new board and committee members, liaisons, and advocates. Our volunteers have delighted in getting to know many of the students, educators, and supporters, in person and online. These warm relationships are at the heart of this work.

If you are part of a Quaker meeting, church, or organization, or are aligned with Quaker values, and are interested in education, economic equity, Latin America, and/or have Spanish language skills, please visit to learn more and apply.

Together we can "make some good things happen" and fill ourselves and others with hope.


AVP! Magaly’s Work Featured in Friends Journal